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What are the Top 5 Countries that Produce the Most Plastic?

The production and use of plastics have been dated back from over 111 years ago; the production of which came as a result of its cheap price and high durability.  Many countries have adopted the production of plastics as a means of trade and global commerce. While many articles about plastics discuss top polluters due to mismanagement of waste, in this article, we will uncover the top 5 countries that produce the most plastic in the world, and what they’re doing about it now. In the 1950s to the 70s, only small amount of plastic were produced and in this case the management of plastics were easy. In the period of the 1990s, the production of plastics tripled within two...

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Is Bamboo Fabric Really Environmentally-Friendly?

There is growing speculation about the ‘eco-friendliness’ of bamboo fabric.  Bamboo Fabric is a textile that is chemically produced by extracting cellulose from raw bamboo pulp.  Bamboo Fabric is used to make socks, bed linens, duvets, towels, and clothing materials that are popularly coined as having ultra-soft and durable fibers. Let’s dive right in and dig deep into this speculation, the conclusion to which not only enlighten you but also encourage your stance on eco-living. The process of extracting cellulose from bamboo pulp is a chemical process that involves hydrolysis alkalization, which makes use of chemicals like sodium hydroxide (may cause eye and skin allergies) and carbon disulphide (which is known to increase risk of neural and reproductive system disorders)...

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How Eco Living is a Cause for Celebration. Happy Chinese New Year!

How Eco Living is a Cause for Celebration. Happy Chinese New Year! Arguably it is referred to as one of the major and biggest holiday in the world. It is the Chinese New Year holiday and one quarter of the world will be participating in it. From research, the world population is about 7.7 billion and about 2 billion of the world population will be participating in this celebration. Several countries like china, Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, North Korea, Singapore, and some other Asian countries will be having a holiday in celebration of this day. The Chinese New Year otherwise called the spring festival is celebrated on the first day of the lunar year. Individuals all over...

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The Perfect Valentine's Gift

The story remains evergreen and fresh to our hearing about the courageous story of love demonstrated by St. Valentine himself. A story that tells of courage, love, and sacrifices extended by a man to all. The miracle that Valentine’s Day brings is the opportunity to express our deepest love and share the most vulnerable parts of ourselves with the most important person or people in our life.  Whether we are partnered or not, we often consider ending the day of love with an exchange of gifts. While some of us contemplate romantic getaways, boujee dinners, or expensive jewelry, others may contemplate on giving practical, everyday gifts, that in many ways, are just as noble, unique and priceless. This article is...

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What is an Everyday 'Compostable' Consumer Product?

What is an Everyday 'Compostable' Consumer Product? Compost is “a mixture of decayed or decaying organic matter used to fertilize soil. Compost is usually made by gathering plant material, such as leaves, grass clippings, and vegetable peels, into a pile or bin and letting it decompose as a result of the action of aerobic bacteria, fungi, and other organisms”1. A compostable consumer product is fully or predominantly made of organic matter.  After the end of life or use of an everyday compostable consumer product, it can be thrown in with the rest of your compost, ready for immediate biological decomposition and have it return back to earth. How is this different from a Biodegradable product? Products that are biodegradable, unless...

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