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The Sun Crew

Karunaki is one of Canada’s first eCommerce companies that cater to environmentally-conscious consumers who are looking for eco-friendly and sustainable options. Our mission is to create a world of compassion and consciousness though our business. We want to make a movement that holds these values higher than the ease of convenience and complacency. Our partners consist of groups and individuals whose principles align with ours. In light of this, Karunaki is happy to announce that a charity has been selected.

The Sun Crew is an environmental non-profit surf organization based in Siargao Island, the surfing capital of the Philippines. They use surfing as a tool to build brighter futures for local children, and to protect the environment. They provide free surfboard use and lessons in exchange for the children’s participation in sustainability and education programs. The programs are designed to teach children about the importance of protecting the natural environment, and to give them skills and opportunities that will help alleviate poverty, and then improve their future prospects. The Sun Crew is working to address the environmental and socio-economic threats associated with rapidly expanding tourism, and to ensure that local people are benefactors of tourism on their island.

Photo by pema.travels

Education, sustainability, and empowerment are the three core values of The Sun Crew. They believe that education will build the children’s futures brighter. This will in turn teach them that they have a responsibility to be custodians of Siargao Island (and the environment). Empowering local children with skills and opportunities give them the ability and desire to demand more of themselves and their local communities. The Sun Crew has many projects relating to spreading awareness and accountability of the local children and communities.

Beach clean is one of The Sun Crew's projects done weekly. Photo by The Sun Crew

Karunaki is honored to support The Sun Crew. We commit to donate 1% of our revenue from online sales to The Sun Crew. We believe all children from all backgrounds deserve real opportunities, and we would like to start with this charity.

For more information on this partnership, please head to our dedicated page for The Sun Crew.

If you need a bit more of inspiration, come see what we are up to on our social media channels:
With love and compassion, 
Team Karunaki