Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate the women in our lives who love, nurture and care for us as only someone with a mothering spirit can do. It’s also a perfect time to honour our Mother Earth, who continues to provide for each of us unconditionally. This year, honour all the mothers in your life with conscious gifts that are earth-friendly and mom-approved.
1. Some Quality Time With You
The truth is, what moms love more than anything is quality time with their kids. Physically being with mom might not be possible this year due to current social distancing guidelines, and if that's the case, schedule a nice long video call with her instead. Grab a cup of tea and give her some time to hear about your life, while you hear about hers. These moments aren’t just precious and cherished, but they’re free, sustainable and safe for the planet. And if you can’t connect with your mom for any reason this Mother’s Day, honour her with a few kind words about her, even if you only speak them to yourself, and even if only for the life she gave you.
2. Reusable Food Wrap
There’s no comfort food in the world like mom’s home-cooked leftovers, and the fresher the better! Reusable food wraps are great gifts that are mom-friendly and earth-friendly. The breathable wraps aren't just ideal for keeping food fresher for longer, you can find wraps that are all-natural, zero-waste, and they last for dozens of uses before needing to be replaced.
3. Organic Produce Delivery
Since Mom’s probably cooking anyway, why not give her a head start with a month of organic produce home delivery. Many local farms offer delivery boxes with an assortment of fresh, organic produce that will arrive at mom’s door weekly or bi-monthly. Buying local supports your community, buying organic supports the planet, and buying your mom groceries demonstrates how much you love and appreciate how she feeds you.
4. An Eco-Friendly Subscription Box
A subscription box is a gift that keeps giving month after month — a delight and surprise for Mom each time one appears on her doorstep. The I Live Eco Subscription Box is a great way to say I love you to your own mother while showing a little love to Mother Earth. Each item in the box is carefully curated to support a greener lifestyle with eco-friendly products like a bamboo toothbrush and shampoo bars and that will quickly become staples in mom’s home.
5. Gift Mom An Experience
Offering your mom an experience she’ll love this Mother’s Day is a wonderful way to show her how much you adore her, and giving her an experience instead of a physical thing will ultimately help create less waste for our planet. If Mom likes to be pampered, give her a spa gift certificate. If she enjoys the theatre, give her tickets to a show she’d like to see. No one knows your mom like you do - show her some love by sending her to do something she’ll love.